
Best Non-profit Organization in Atlanta

At Because It's Personal, Inc., our mission is to transform one life at a time. Our programs and activities are designed to be catalysts that help formerly incarcerated community members in Atlanta reach their goals and fulfill their potential. Every individual’s desires and plans of action are taken into ...

Empowering Lives, Fulfilling Dreams

At Because It's Personal, Inc., we are dedicated to transforming lives one person at a time. Through our main services of transformational lifestyle coaching, transitional housing, and career counseling, we cater to individuals' dreams and aspirations, helping them unleash their true potential. Our programs and ...

Building Bridges to Personal Growth and Success

At Because It's Personal, Inc., our vision drives our every endeavor. We are committed to making the world a better place for all, one person at a time. Inspired by Mark Twain's profound words, "Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see," we believe in the transformative power of ...

Heroes and Sheroes

Oseola McCarty was just five feet tall and weighed less than one hundred pounds. She quit school in the 6th grade when her grandmother, who raised her, became ill and needed care. “I would have gone back.” she said, “But the people in my class had gone on, and I was too big. I wanted to be with my class.” Instead, she worked. She washed clothes, and she saved. "Every month I'd save the same amount and put it away. I was consistent." She saved more than she could ever need. So in 1995, in her late 80s, she donated $300,000 to the University of Southern Mississippi, the college in her hometown, to finance a scholarship for low-income students.

In her words, "'I wanted to share my wealth with the children.” said Miss McCarty, whose only real regret is that she never went back to school. “I never minded work, but I was always so busy. Maybe I can make it so the children don't have to work as hard as I did.'"

About Our Founder Sheila L. Hardy

CEO of Because It’s Personal, Inc. and Certified Life Coach at Common Sense Transformational Lifestyle Coaching. She became a double certified lifestyle coach in 2012 & 2017. Her major field is trauma through neurotheology modality exercises (interconnectivity with the nervous and brain systems). She is a former therapeutic foster parent with C.C.S., Multi-Agency Alliance for Children, and Stem Agency for family support in Georgia, along with numerous other positions. She ended her fostering and family support partner career after 10 years and also ended her 14 year career working with the Hall County school system. Her volunteering and certificates include: Waterfront Men Mission, Wellness and Living Well Training certifications from Stanford University Chronic Disease Self- Management Program, and Mental Health first Aid through Missouri National Counsel for Behavioral and Mental Health. She became a caregiver for the mentally challenged, and then for elderly adults. Certified through The Great Village African American caregiver training from Emory Research Center.